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Acquisition extends company’s capabilities in wastewater treatment, a key high-growth, sustainable end market Enables Ingersoll Rand to provide more comprehensive wastewater treatment solutions, allowing for greater energy efficiency and increased productivity for customers Creates opportunities to accelerate topline growth through access to municipal markets Attractive purchase multiple o...
DAVIDSON, N.C., Jan. 17, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Ingersoll Rand Inc. (NYSE: IR), a global provider of mission-critical flow creation and life science and industrial solutions, will issue its fourth quarter 2024 earnings release after the market closes on Thursday, February 13, 2025. Ingersoll Rand will also host a live earnings conference call to discuss the fourth quarter results on Frida...
DAVIDSON, N.C., Dec. 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Ingersoll Rand Inc. (NYSE: IR), a global provider of mission-critical flow creation and life science and industrial solutions, will host its 2024 sustainability investor call on December 17, 2024, at 8:00 a.m. Eastern Time to discuss the company’s commitment and recent accomplishments to Lead Sustainably. To participate in the call, please d...
DAVIDSON, N.C., Nov. 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Ingersoll Rand Inc., (NYSE: IR) a global provider of mission-critical flow creation and life science and industrial solutions, announced that Vik Kini, chief financial officer, will participate in a fireside chat at the Goldman Sachs Industrials and Materials Conference on Thursday, December 5, 2024, at 9:20 a.m. Eastern Time. A real-time au...
Delivered Record Third Quarter Orders and Revenue with Strong Gross Margin Expansion, Adj. EPS growth, and Free Cash Flow Margin Third Quarter 2024 Highlights (All comparisons against the third quarter of 2023 unless otherwise noted.) Strong performance driven by its competitive differentiator - Ingersoll Rand Execution Excellence (IRX): Third quarter orders of $1,799 million, up 10% Repor...
DAVIDSON, N.C., Oct. 24, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - The Board of Directors of Ingersoll Rand Inc. (NYSE: IR), a global provider of mission-critical flow creation and life science and industrial solutions, declared today a regular quarterly cash dividend of $0.02 (two cents) per share of common stock payable on December 5, 2024 to stockholders of record on November 14, 2024. About Ingersoll Ra...
Acquisitions complement Ingersoll Rand’s product and technology offerings and increase geographic reach, while adding new pump technology and capabilities Execution of bolt-on acquisition strategy continues to enhance company’s durable financial profile by serving high-growth, sustainable end markets Demonstrates company’s commitment to capital allocation and expected achievement of mid-te...
DAVIDSON, N.C., Sept. 30, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Ingersoll Rand Inc. (NYSE: IR), a global provider of mission-critical flow creation and life science and industrial solutions, will issue its third quarter 2024 earnings release after the market closes on Thursday, October 31, 2024. Ingersoll Rand will also host a live earnings conference call to discuss the third quarter results on Friday,...
DAVIDSON, N.C., Aug. 27, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) - Ingersoll Rand Inc., (NYSE: IR) a global provider of mission-critical flow creation and life science and industrial solutions, announces that Vicente Reynal, chairman and chief executive officer, and Vik Kini, chief financial officer, will participate in fireside chats at the following upcoming investor conferences: The Jefferies Industrials...
Raises Guidance for Total Company Revenue, Adjusted EBITDA, and Adjusted EPS Second Quarter 2024 Highlights (All comparisons against the second quarter of 2023 unless otherwise noted.) Strong performance driven by its competitive differentiator - Ingersoll Rand Execution Excellence (IRX): Second quarter orders of $1,799 million, up 4%, or down 1% organic On a two-year stack, up 12%, or up ...
Los sistemas de vacío de tornillo seco NASH ofrecen alta calidad, soluciones de vacío insuperables para aplicaciones químicas y farmacéuticas y un diseño modular.
El sector del golf lleva años esperando que se haga realidad la promesa del GPS. Ahora, un proyecto conjunto de Club Car y GPS Industries revoluciona el sector y dispara la satisfacción de los clientes y los responsables de campos de golf.
: diseñada para aplicaciones médicas, de instrumentación y automatización de laboratorios
Elmo Rietschle lidera el sector en investigación y diseño de nuevas tecnologías de vacío de funcionamiento en seco. Una instalación especializada en I+D ubicada en Schopfheim (Alemania) constituye la primera línea en investigación, diseño y desarrollo de una gama de novedosas bombas de vacío exentas de aceite que ofrecen un rendimiento excepcional.
El compresor Ultima exento de aceite de Gardner Denver establece una referencia en rendimiento y eficiencia funcional, además de cumplir los más altos estándares en calidad de aire.
Geoff Stewart es director de seguridad de productos de Club Car en Evans, Georgia, y adora resolver problemas. Le gusta tanto resolver problemas que ha conseguido patentar seis de sus inventos.
A principios de este mes, nuestras tecnologías y servicios de compresión obtuvieron el premio de bronce por la nueva generación Serie R de compresores de velocidad variable en le categoría de aire comprimido de la revista Plant Engineering de 2016: Producto del año.
El futuro de las flotas de fracking pasa por mayor potencia y eficiencia. Con independencia de si operan en un entorno convencional o eléctrico, las nuevas bombas Thunder 5000 HP Quintuplex ofrecen la flexibilidad y el ahorro necesarios para alcanzar un rendimiento óptimo.
Drop in the Bucket es una organización sin ánimo de lucro que construye pozos de agua y sistemas de saneamiento en escuelas del África subsahariana.
CTS organiza círculos de orientación para mujeres en todo el mundo