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Ingersoll Rand secured the honor of Best Compliance and Ethics Program (large cap) at the 14th annual Corporate Governance Awards hosted by Corporate Secretary. This prestigious accolade recognizes Ingersoll Rand’s hard work and accomplishments over a short 21 months to build an effective compliance and ethics program.
“Just one year and nine months ago, we combined two industry-leading companies, transforming us into a single global force,” said Robert Mayfield, director of global compliance of Ingersoll Rand. “Simply pushing a transformation like this over the finish line is a huge accomplishment. Standing up an effective compliance and ethics program, seemingly overnight, and then being recognized for that achievement is an entirely different feat that took a tremendous amount of discipline, thoughtfulness and focus.”
We were recognized over fellow nominees, Uber and Honeywell. The best compliance and ethics program (large cap) award category looks at the coordination of governance, compliance, ethics and risk management processes across the entire corporation, including all subsidiaries. The judges consider the level of understanding and integration of good governance principles across all disciplines and a truly non-silo approach to achieving an ethical governance environment. The market cap definition for large cap is $20 billion and over.
Ingersoll Rand corporate responsibilities are intertwined into everything we do, including our business strategies and daily practices. We look forward to continuing to exercise these practices as we make life better for our employees, customers and communities.